Well, try as we may, Santa managed to find the kids. We tried to tell Santa that the kids were too naughty and didn't deserve presents this year, but I guess he felt otherwise.

KeLauna got a bunch of small toys such as teethers, and rattles from Mommy and Daddy. All of the kids got new clothes, underwear and socks from Grammy, Nana, and Great Grandma & Grandpa Leitner. Here are a few of them.

KeLee got a Dora Scooter...
Devan got a Gravedigger Monstertruck...
& KeLauna got a glowing teddybear from Santa Clause.
Devan & KeLee each got a blanket from Mommy and Daddy. Devan's was an electric matress cover to keep his bed warm and keep him in his bed and out of ours. KeLee's was a Tinkerbell comforter that she's been wanting for a while, so she was happy to finally get it.
The kids got some toys from Grandma-ma too. Devan got a cars book for his leap pad, KeLee got a Lulu the letter spinning spider, and KeLauna got a Glow worm that sings lullabies. They all loved them!
Grandma-ma also sent a present for Justin & I. It was a cookie jar with cookie dough. It was a two in one. Justin likes the cookie dough, and I like the jar.
Anyway, I hope that everyone else had a wonderful Christmas, and that the new year is healthy and prosperous for everyone!