Wow! I'm pretty sure most people who used to read my blog on occassion have given up, but I guess I could put in a new post anyway... right?
So, here are a few pictures just to let you see what we have been up to since last April... KeLauna and the other kids helped Daddy and his friends build a new wood fence all around our house. (Cute isn't she!)
Devan learned to play "T-ball". He was a little shy for most of the season, but was voted the "most improved player" by the last game because he really started to get into the game.
KeLee got a really cute haircut for her 4th birthday. Isn't she adorable!?!
Nicholas turned 1 year old in September. Daddy decided to put him in a can full of leaves because his parents did it to him at that age. Nicholas didn't mind, he thought it was pretty neat!
We got a new puppy. We named him Jack-Jack (like the baby on the Incredibles). He is about 4 months old now, but we got him at about 6 or 7 weeks old. He is a long haired chihuahua. Right now he is white, but he will probably turn a light brown/tan color when he gets a little older.
Devan and KeLeeMae got to visit my mom in Arizona for a full week right before school started in August. The babies and I drove down there to pick them up. We all got sick and ended up staying 3 extra days! Even grandma got sick, she missed two days of work because of it. (So did I.) I missed so much work, in fact, because of my being sick and the kids being sick that I actually got fired! Not my favorite part of the summer, but that's what happens I guess.

My mom came up for Christmas. We were going to go to her house, but didn't have the money. She was able to find a way to come here instead. Here's the story of how she got here...
"Santa picked her up directly from work, and flew her here towing her Bronco behind the sleigh. They arrived at about 11:45 pm Christmas eve, just in time to deliver the kids' presents."
So, as you can tell, 2008 was a pretty busy year. I won't get into the details, but it was not all good. We are hoping for a much better 2009.