Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good news! (Finally)

Okay, so I have been too busy (and I'll admit it, lazy) to update my blog for the past few months. However, I didn't have anything I was very interested in talking about. Well, now I do.

My last post was about how sick Nicholas has been and how we couldn't figure out exactly what it was. The most likely thing we could think of, was lactose intolerance. Well, we were WRONG.

I finally managed to get in to see the Pediatric Gastroenterologist about his "issues". The doctor was certain after listening to only a few seconds worth of his history that he knew exactly what was wrong with him. I was flabbergasted! The doctor asked me a few key questions like, what time of day does he usually start acting sick? How long does it last? How high of a fever, if any, does he typically get? How often does this occur?

After a brief discussion regarding all of these points, he printed off some information from the internet and gave me a diagnosis.


He told me that it is so common that 1 in 50 kids from age 7+ have it, or have had it. The most common ages are children 7 and up, but it has been seen in infants, young adults, adults, and seniors! Most people just assume that it is a stomach flu or something and just don't stress about it. They assume that they are just over stressed or maybe ate something bad. The key is the fact that it occurs on a regular basis, lasts for 1 to 4 days and the main symptoms are vomiting and a lack of energy. It can be accompanied by a low grade fever and diarhea. Such as was the case with Nicholas.

He put Nicholas on Cyproheptadine to control the vomitting reflex while he is sleeping. (besides it is a really strong antihistimine, so it knocks him out all night) He also prescribed a medicine to stop the vomitting if he has another episode. With these two medications, he should not have any more bad episodes, if he has any at all, they should be much less dramatic.

Well, for any of you who might like to read more about cyclic vomitting syndrome, please click on the link below.


Our Family said...

SHE EXISTS!!! It's about time you posted. Glad that you have finally gotten some anwers. Where can I get some of that medication that knocks the kids out for hours?? LOL