Saturday, July 23, 2005

No more wisdom teeth, please.

I guess I must have waited a little too long. I just turned 24, and not but 2 days after my birthday I got a wisdom tooth in. I probably should have had them all removed a long time ago, but this one beat me to it. Anyway, after about a week and a half of swelling and not being able to eat or speak, I gave up and went to see a dentist. I think the last time I actually went to a dentist was in 8th grade. So, that was about 1994 or 1995. It's now 2005, Oops. But the dentist told me I needed to get them out ASAP because my top right tooth was already through the gums and the left top tooth was at the surface of the gum getting ready to go through. We got an x-ray and it showed that both of my bottom wisdom teeth were laying sideways, pushing against my back molars. He said that's why my bottom jaw had been hurting so badly. Anyway, long story short, I went in at 3:30 pm yesterday and had all of them removed. The top two were yanked and the bottom two were removed surgically. So today I am even more swollen and am having an even harder time eating and speaking than I did before the surgery. Good thing for computers and being able to type instead of having to speak, huh. But even with all of the pain and discomfort, I am glad to have them out and would recomend to anyone that has a history of "funky" wisdom teeth in their family, to get them out before they come in and cause problems.