We have suspected for a while now that Nicholas may be lactose intolerant. He was able to tolerate formula just fine, but for some reason, he started getting really sick in January. He would throw up after drinking milk. He also had a fever and diarhea so when I took him into the doctor we assumed it was some kind of stomach bug. Well, it lasted about 4 days and he was fine again. In February, he got sick again, but so did the other kids. It started with pink eye and then Devan got laryngitits... I spent so much time in the doctor office, that when Nicholas got sick again, it was easy to just say that the whole family is just having a rough month. So, his doctor stated that it may be necessary to see a GI doc if it doesn't clear up. Well, it did and it started again in March. I am getting concerned at this point, and I called the GI doctor that helped Devan when he was 2. He needed a referral from our regular doctor and was completely booked up until after April 10th well, I was not able to get in to see his regular doctor by then and of course he wasn't sick at that time.
Well, when he got sick again this last weekend for no apparent reason, I decided to get the next available appointment with this doctor to get the referral to the GI doctor just to get it checked out and tell someone (who may have an idea what I'm talking about) what has been going on. Well, I will have to update later as to when and if I can get in with the GI doc any time soon, and if so, what he says, but for now, here is a picture that shows how yucky Nicholas has been feeling.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Lactose intolerance
Most recent project completion
Justin finally finished the Mustang. Well, not completely finished.... He still has to finish the transmission issue, but the car is running like none other, all the interior is in tact and has been painted back to the original black color it should be. The dent in the fender has been repaired, and the broken headlight has been replaced. As for the paint..... Before...
See it has black racing stripes... right?
Nope! They are black cherry red! When you look at them in the sunlight from straight on, they almost blend into the red of the car. They become translucent! It's pretty cool!
Now all we need to do, is detail the inside, fix the tranny and get it sold! Justin is concidering changing the tranny from the tired 4 speed auto to a more appealing 5 speed standard, and I have a girlfriend who's kids are looking for a way to earn money this summer and for $10.00 they will come over here and detail the inside. Not a bad deal really. It's not even all that dirty!
Well, here's to hoping we can sell it soon! ;)
Monday, April 06, 2009
Dinner is served!

Enchiladas - I think they ate more cheese than they put on the pan, though.


Pause from baking cookies for an Angel Hug!
KeLauna's first time using the electric mixer. (With a little help from Mom of course)
Bathroom remodel

I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures of how it started out.

Here is a better picture of the motor because it is so pretty.

The car was originally going to be 100% silver with black accents, but the silver was not covering the way it was supposed to, so Justin added 1/8 of a quart of Jaguar Blue Metallic to the silver and he got this color. I wish I could find the right pictures, but if you look at it at a certain angle it looks silver, another angle blue, and still yet another angle makes it look green! The color turned out really neat!
So, if you know anyone who may be interested in buying a custom built 1992 25th anniversary edition Chevy Camaro. Let me know. ;o)