Monday, April 06, 2009


Justin has been putting together a 1992 25th anniversary edition Chevy Camaro since December 2008. It has been a long tiring project that has yet to end! Here are a few pics of his progress.

I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures of how it started out.

The front end was totalled and he had to rebuild it and swap the front from another camaro but here it is after the reconstruction with the motor as well.

Here is a better picture of the motor because it is so pretty. I wish I had a picture of the motor before he tore it down, cleaned it up, and painted it. You would be surprised that it's the same motor. The cool part of it is that the pistons and everything inside the motor are BRAND NEW! He didn't even have to clean them. They only have break in lube on them. That means this is a brand new rebuilt motor. The thing is we ran the numbers and it comes back as a motor from a large pickup so since it has been bored and has a few extra ponies, it is going to be too much for this Camaro. So, he will probably take it out and put it in my truck. (someday)
Here is the make shift paint booth that Justin made in our driveway so that he could paint the Camaro. He is very proud of just how Red his neck is!

Here are some before pictures.

This is what it looked like when the paint booth was constructed around it.

And, after.....

The car was originally going to be 100% silver with black accents, but the silver was not covering the way it was supposed to, so Justin added 1/8 of a quart of Jaguar Blue Metallic to the silver and he got this color. I wish I could find the right pictures, but if you look at it at a certain angle it looks silver, another angle blue, and still yet another angle makes it look green! The color turned out really neat!

So, if you know anyone who may be interested in buying a custom built 1992 25th anniversary edition Chevy Camaro. Let me know. ;o)