Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Okay, so I guess I need to update a little. Yes, Justin made it home late Saturday night. We took the boat out on Quail Lake Sunday. We didn't take KeLee because she wasn't feeling well, butDevan enjoyed it as usual.

The big news is that Devan started his first day of pre-school today. He got a name tag and they gave him a book to practice writing his name in and they learned about the letter "N". He brought home a finger painting that he did in yellow and green paint, a letter "N" that he glued noodles onto, and a paper that he had practiced writing "N" and "n" on. He had a great time and he says that he is excited to go back on Thursday. Oh yeah, he also gets to be the first one to bring home "the Me bag". I am supposed to help Devan fill it with things about him. Things like a special toy or book, family pictures, artwork, etc. Pretty much anything I can find that tells something about Devan. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. The picture is of him "signing in" when he got there. The green thing on his shirt is his name tag and the scribbles in the book are how he signed his name. Not bad for a beginner. As you can tell, he was already having a good time. See the grin? I was able to leave work today to bring him to pre-school and to pick him up to bring him back to the babysitter's house, but usually the babysitter will be doing it. I feel so bad. I wish I could do it everytime. I guess I'll have to get used to it; he will be starting kindergarten in about 2 years.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of my nephew. I hope he keeps enjoying it. You should put a cell phone in the bag, he loved them so much as a baby.